Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Maps: Unusual Advice

Google Maps is a very useful online tool for helping you navigate around the country. It has been noted that the programmers of Google Maps got a little creative with specific directions on the GET DIRECTIONS page for navigating across open water.

The first example are directions for the United States to Japan:
On the GET DIRECTIONS page just type in the directions FROM: United States and TO: Japan. Then scroll down to DRIVING DIRECTION #31 and you will be informed of some unusual advice how to cross the ocean to Japan.

The second example are directions for Japan to China:
On the GET DIRECTIONS page just type in the directions FROM: Japan and TO: China. Then scroll down to DRIVING DIRECTION #41 and you will be informed of some strange advice how to navigate to China.

Note: This will also work on your iPhone Google Maps App.

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